Good Materials for Evangelism So Far that Target the Heart of Your Outreach
We are in a generation where mostly young people do not like to be involved in anything religious and there are some who choose to be like nominal only. In whatever condition they choose to I believe that the best practice in reaching them out is targeting there deepest need which is there empty heart, fueled by our prayer and petition to the Lord (with fasting, if you want to do it), will bring something out of them that can make a way for to you to bridge the conversation to something spiritual and relational to the Lordship of Christ over your life and soon to their lives.
I have three best practices that I always use in sharing Christ to others and I found these three very effective. What you need to be prepared for are questions that are light for the start and will just go mid-heavy to heavier as the Holy Spirit leads you. These questions can be prepared and memorized but the best thing is constructing questions that are based on your conversation, thus your hundred percent of attentiveness to the one you are sharing the Gospel is really required. This will show that you are really listening and that you are interested to share life with them. When we say share lives, that means you should share your thoughts and ideas and even testimonies that are related if course to what you are talking about. However, you need to know their culture and attitude when talking to someone, especially when you are just starting building friendships, for it varies in different places, countries, and cultures. So, I suggest knowing the taboo topics or questions that you ought not to ask or mention, unless, they open it up themselves. Yet, still being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, let the conversation be spontaneous while praying inside during the time being with the people you are engaging.
Here are the three things that I am using: the So Cards, the Soularium and the Three Hearts. Each has different ways and strategies to deliver though all need only right questions that can trigger their mind, heart and soul and praying that the Lord will open the door for His Spirit touch their inner spirit to be revived and accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.