Spoken Words

We are in the same Sea but not in the Same Boat

Mark 4:35-41


This is striking, how I found that in these verses there were other boats in the sea sailing, “And other boats were also with Him.” Then, I remember one article that was shared with us during our TESOL training teaching demo. It was written there that in this pandemic we are not all in the same boat. Yes, we are all in the same situation called COVID-19 but your boat where you are in is not the same boat where I am sitting. The preparation we have made before the pandemic and the approach we are doing during the crises made us realize that we are really in the same boat. 

This made me think also about my spiritual journey with Christ. Is Christ with me in this sail called life? The world is a big sea and life is a boat where we are in. And in life fear is always present. If you are brave enough to face it, then good for you, and if not, you need to learn how to overcome it then. But how do we see fear? How do we overcome it? Some see it as a negative force but some look at it from a different perspective to excel and be the best of what they can be. As it normally feels by all, it can cause triumph to some but the opposite to others. 

Why are we so fearful when life throws us all kinds of challenges? The answer lies to the fact that we cannot make it without Him, without GOD, without Jesus in our life-boat. As everyone is saying that fear is the antonym of faith. Both are intangible but powerful forces that can make everyone to yield to God or distrust Him completely. 

The story in the boat depicts the scenario of the life we are facing with Jesus. As many as thinking that God does not know their struggles or that He does not feel the storm that they are facing. Well, the thing is, He does and since His ascension, he never stops interceding for us. His Holy Spirit within us is constantly reminding us to have faith in Him for He is with us, the Immanuel.

This is the thing that I have realized about obtaining my new visa every year. As far as I could remember, my anxiety starts in December, my friend calls it, winter-anxiety, and it goes on until May. I have fear of not continuing my visa every year and that means leaving my wife and daughter in Kazakhstan and not finishing the Father’s business that we have started. This fear always brings me sadness and depression. But the Holy Spirit is always there to remind me of His promises. He always reminds me of the miracle He already started and He even uses my wife to encourage me to continue in faith in Him. 

This year is another testimony to be told. This devotion showed me how small my faith to Him was, in spite of everything He has done. But again, this reminded me of my status, I am chosen, I am loved, I am in the boat with Jesus. 

I am praying that your life is not like the others who are just sailing in the sea but rather a life with Christ. For sure that when Jesus is in the boat He can make your storm calm. He has the power to do everything for you and Him and with others with you to cross the other side.